Tuesday, 8 November 2011


5:34a.m. How will I start this? What’s the overall “thingy” with it. Honestly, I have no idea. I can’t sleep, I feel like writing and this is what it is. The dog is looking at me. This is solo, you’ll hear his name a lot. I have 3 dogs in the house but Solo is My dog. Don’t get me wrong, the other 2 are great dogs, but Solo is mine. Anyway, I’ll get back to him later.

Right now it’s half 5 in the morning after a rather large day and I’m awake. Still tired but I just can’t sleep. So, after thinking for a while I thought I’d sit down here at my machine and randomly verbalise my thoughts whilst also regaling you with stories from my past.

Why? I really don’t know. It seemed like a good idea a little while ago lying in bed not sleeping. Right now, it seems like work and my laptop is a pile of shite with an intermittent “r” key. You don’t think the r is that important, but trust me on this, it is.

I may actually just record this because jibbering into a machine is so much easier and more conducive to smoking properly. I think I’ll get a voice recognition program. It’d make life a whole lot easier. Moment please, net o’clock.

Random thought: Just taking out the headphones. In a little pouch type thingy. B&O, yum yum. But. Velcro is a wonderful thing, but it ain’t quiet. When you want to be silent, when noise is not required in any way, don’t have Velcro present. It’s great shit, but quiet isn’t on it’s list of qualities. Thought finished.

“Out at the pictures” by Hot Chip. What an intro.

Misfits. Funny fucking show with a great soundtrack.

Just got a huge list of voice recognition stuff on the Google. 588,000 hits. That’s a lot. So I’m back here. Bored already and I haven’t even looked at any of them. Hot Chip sidetracked me. I’m now tubeing tunes. A strange mix of the good, the bad, and the truly strange. You’ll learn pretty soon that I have very varied taste in music. Some you’ll like, some you’ll hate, but whatever your thoughts make it loud. All good music is better loud.

Dave is a perfect example. Old school, strings and shit. Old people love him. But, volume adds so much more to music, depth is what it’s all about. Most of you will know him as Beethoven. Some will claim his first name is Ludwig. It’s not. His name is Dave and this is an historical fact. If you don’t believe me just ask Bill & Ted.

Now hitting some different stuff. Rick Wakeman, him of Yes fame. Keyboards and a prolific beard. I know he sounds like a paedo but he does make some great tunes. Not for everyone I agree but Statue of Justice is a mega tune. White Rock also. If you don’t like his shit, that’s fine. But remember he played a lot of his stuff on a mini moog. Not a guitar, piano or violin, a moog. Moog moog moog. It’s just awesome. If you disagree, no problem, but you’re wrong. Say the word moog out loud 5 or 6 times. Now you’re smiling. Google should be called moog. Mooging something sounds so much better than googling. If ever a useless word deserved to be in wider mainstream use, it’s moog. I think I’ll start a website.

Fuck! Moog.com is gone. Moog Inc. is a worldwide designer, manufacturer, and integrator of precision motion control products and systems. Moog’s high-performance systems control military and commercial aircraft, satellites and space vehicles, launch vehicles, missiles, industrial machinery, wind energy, marine applications, and medical equipment.

Military, satellites, space, missiles, this is all good shit, but they stole my website. The worst part is I now want to work for them. Chances of a job there for me? Pretty fuckin low I reckon. Jimmy Hoffa and Shergar will be found quicker.

1 comment:

  1. Where the f has this been??? It's only tonight( morning) landed on this shite iPad at 1.23 a.m.
    An easy number to type I must say.

    I sit here, one kitten (feline variety in case you are wondering) on each side of me. They are purring contentedly, not aware that they will be rehomed soon. Blissfully unaware they are outta here, just as soon as I can find that elusive person(s) who will love them forever.
    I digressed....it's a fault of mine....I have but a few, digressing is one

    See, done it again.

    So, back to my original point Wubble, where the fuck has this little piece of literary genius been..... Outer space with JTK perhaps?

    I like to know things, so when you discover where this has been hiding, please inform.

    I have no further input this morning, goodnight, And hope you find sleeping easier to come by since 2011

    The mogs are awake , thats, as in moggies....not moog, so I will now feed the little buggers again, and attempt to sleep.

    Oh, just one more thing Wubble.........BLOG !!

    Thank you.
