Thursday, 29 December 2011

What if porn was real

What would happen if porn was real?

A strange question I know, but it’s highly important. Whether we like it or not (I love it!) porn is a fact of life, particularly with the advent of the internet. Porn used to be a mythical thing in Catholic Ireland, kinda like some shit from Indiana Jones. The Holy Grail or Ark of the Covenant. When some dude had access to nudey shots he was revered for a day or two and elevated to hero status. His deity status lasted until something more interesting came along.

The fact that porn was referred to in terms of being “dirty” shows how the world viewed it. These were prudish times and porn was the dirty thing that nobody spoke of but everyone thought about. It’s a bit sad really because we all love a bit of porn. Some of you may disagree with that but you are delusional and ultimately full of shit.

Whatever your taste may be porn caters to all of us. Some of it is truly weird and disgusting but regardless of taste the porn industry has something for everyone.

Anyway, back to the point. If porn were real how would it affect the world? Well, the first thing is that we’d all die. Disease would kill most of us and I’m not talking about STD’s. No. The simple fact is that if porn was real nobody would ever call a plumber.

According to the laws of porn all plumbers are hung like donkeys, ready to perform at all times and from the porn I’ve seen none of them know fuck all about fixing the shower. We’d all die because the dishes wouldn’t get washed, our clothes would be dirty and nobody would take a shower. Disease would run rampant.

Now, before anyone suggests that before plumbing the world survived, please remember this is my rant. I’m right so bear with me. I think the most amazing thing is that these days you have to make an appointment with a plumber, all of them are busy and they charge $200 to come round and service your mrs! Cheeky fuckers.

When I grow up I want to be an astronaut, soldier, fireman, etc. Fuck that! When I grow up I want to be a plumber.

The Demon

Morning peeps. Just had a call from one of the boys and realized I can’t remember half the night. It must have been good!

So today we’re gonna talk about booze. Simply because it’s awesome. Booze is like oil or grease, it’s a lubricant. It’s the lubricant that makes the world work. Now some of you will disagree with me but you’re wrong. For the sake of being politically correct I’ll insert a safety announcement.

Kids, booze is bad!

There, done. Anyway, drink is awesome. I’m slightly biased because I’m a binge alcoholic, but I know what’s what, so believe me on this. For those of you that aren’t sure, a binge alcoholic is a person that once they start drinking doesn’t stop til the job is done. Or the booze is finished. I don’t wake up in the morning and crave a drink. I’ve gone days and even weeks without a drink and it doesn’t affect me, but when I start I don’t stop until:
Gravity wins
The police arrive
I need to go to the hospital
Everywhere is closed

I know it’s a bit sad and some will think I’m a loser, but it’s a fact of life. I’m Irish and the stereotype is correct, we LOVE drinking.

Speaking of losers The Losers is an awesome movie so go watch it. I may have mentioned it before but it deserves a second go. Turn off brain, watch it, laugh, wince and enjoy the sheer ridiculousness of a wicked action movie. It makes The Expendables look exactly like it’s name.

So back to the Uisce Beatha. That’s Irish folks and two of about ten words I know in the language. But it’s relevant here because Uisce Beath means the water of life. In English it means whisky. Now we all know that whisky is awesome, I drank my lifetime quota of it between the ages of 18 and 22 and they were some good years.

Think about this, many countries have a drink called the water of life. Eau de vie and Aquavit are the perfect examples. Remember that this is not a recent thing, it’s many years old, centuries in most cases. So the fact of the matter is that hundreds of years ago people in different countries called their best booze the water of life. Coincidence? I think not. These fuckers knew the secret of life and it was drink! Smart boys.

Let’s start with beer. Benjamin Franklin (he da man on the hundred, I love him) was famous for many reasons. He invented bifocal glasses, lightning rods and lots of other shit. He was a true genius with theories that many of his contemporaries didn’t understand or concur with. He deserves to be on the 100 and I love to see him. However, he is misquoted many times for the awesome line “beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy”. I don’t care if it’s a misquote, it could be a downright lie and I’d still love it. I’m not a religious person, but if a church used that as a tagline then I might start believing.

One net trawl revealed that some folks don’t like Benny boy. I don’t give a shit about his politics, misquotes or his crappy hair. Ben Franklin is on the 100 dollar bill! Fuck everything else, that shit is awesome. The Mona Lisa has been copied, but if your portrait is copied millions of times a year then you must be a legend.

So, God loves us and that’s why we have beer. It’s a wicked beverage that ranges from gold to black in colour. Children don’t like it (silly kids) because it’s an acquired taste, particularly if it’s black, but acquiring that taste is a joyous thing.

As the wise proverb states, “24 cans in a case, 24 hours in a day. Coincidence? I think not.”

There is a lot more to discuss about booze but I’m sobering up so I need to refuel.

Sunday, 11 December 2011


Johnny Cash! What a legend. Problems with drugs, serious relationship issues and a voice that God would use. I love this dude. Choose from a number of tunes, they’re all pretty good.

So, I’m a car man. I love them. I don’t mean in the regular guy way of cars are cool, I’m a guy so I like cars. No, I mean I’ve actually jerked off to beautiful cars. Bashed one out, tugged it off, grabbed the blue vein cheese gun and made a cake. I love cars!

Some people will think that’s a bit weird and I can understand their point of view. Somewhat. I love cars because for me it’s a marriage of engineering and styling. These things have no place being together, kinda like Bill Gates and Kiera Knightly.

The engineering part is taking lumps of metal, shaping them and fitting them together in the right way to make horsepower. Even that part is cool. Let’s take a bunch of metal and make lots of horses out of it. You engineering dudes are funny cunts.

The styling part is completely alien to this. Think of a weird little man, maybe with glasses, that loves handbags. I know I’ve offended some people by that comment, but my intention is only to promote debate, not instill riots. I have lots of gay friends and they are shitty engineers. But they make shit look good.

The great cars through the ages have nailed one or both of these things. Some are the kinda cute neighbour girl with big tits. These are muscle cars. Not usually great to look at, but you’ll always have a second glance and if you get a chance you’ll drive the shit out of it. The Ford Mustang.

Italians have always had the car thing right. They almost invariably look beautiful but they’re temperamental as fuck. This is the foreign exchange student. You want your friends to see you with her, but in reality you have no idea what makes her work. Any Italian beast, but choose the Ferrari Daytona.

Then you have the Japs. Their cars are like a maid on speed that works 22 hours a day. You never see her but the place is always fucking clean! Nobody knows how they do it but they do it very, very well. Efficient, cheap and it works all the time. Once in a while they produce the Indonesian style maid. 21 years old with a body for sin that insists on getting it in the ass! That’s the Nissan GTR. It’s rare, but a beautiful thing.

The English deserve a mention. Their car industry is now a thing of the past but they have given us (and continue to do so) some gems along the way. Aston Martin and Lotus are two of the greats. These are the girl that you meet at a family gathering, a boring do that you have to attend. She’s the daughter of a Lord or some shit, nice dress and hair in a braid. Stand offish and snooty. But then you get her in the barn and realize she has her own toolbox and knows more than you. Boomshackalacka.

The debate about the most beautiful car will rage on forever. Everyone has their own choice and all are right in some way. Who’s the most beautiful woman in the world? We all have our own answer and that’s a question we’ll definitely get back to in the future. But cars are the same. They have a distinct personality and we all have out favourites.

However the greatest name for a car is easily answerable and if you disagree then you’re a useless twat and you’re wrong. It is the Jensen Interceptor. Yep. Interceptor! The fucking coolest name ever put on a car. If you don’t believe me then you’re wrong. I love this car because it’s a luxobarge with four seats, leather everywhere and a 7 litre motor. But the name is what gives me a semi. Jensen Interceptor. Say it again. Let it roll around your mouth like a fine wine. Jen sen In ter cep tor. Sorry, full hard on achieved, it’s porn time. Later.

Friday, 2 December 2011


It was one of those days. A bunch of friends in the pub and a good laugh all round. But this morning I woke in a bad mood. Not sure why. A couple of folks were being asses (not me for a change) but this morning I find myself in a bad mood. I’m debating whether or not to refuel because drinking in a bad mood is a recipe for disaster.

Music is helping. Most of it is heavy. I tried Dave, but he just can’t soothe my mood right now.

“Rhapsody on a theme of Paganini” Rachmaninoff
It’s just beautiful

But it ain’t helping my mood. I’m just pissed off but I don’t know why. It’s one of those days when you just feel unhappy with the world. Fuck you world!

Let’s try to shift the mood. Random searches on the net……

Searches didn’t net anything of note (excuse the shitty pun). Decided to go with Thin Lizzy, very loud, it’s easing my pain. But now I want to kill English men. Side bar: I have many English friends so don’t take this shit too seriously guys. Irish people don’t hate English people. History has forced us to deal with unpleasant things but hatred isn’t my prevailing thought. What I hate is the fact that they learn about the empire but school fails to tell them about the genocide they perpetuated in Ireland. Then they have an opinion that all Irish people are stupid and terrorists. Silly English people.

Knowledge is the key to life. We are always learning and life offers us many opportunities to expand our base. I don’t like individuals, I can’t justify not liking a country full of people, regardless of history. There will always be assholes, but never base your opinion of a country on the actions, or beliefs, of a handful of morons. That is folly.

It’s actually pretty simple. Ireland is aawesome. Two a’s for added awesomness. England is the “old enemy”. America has some goodness because shit loads of Irish went there. Everybody else is tolerable to a degree. That is the world according to me. There are other thoughts but I’ll save those for a chapter.

Tangent. Somebody please tell me there’s a Sean Connery app. Yesh. I’m sure there is but I don’t have an iPhone. I have a $10 Nokia that is truly mega. It doesn’t just do phone calls. No, it also does messages and it has a calendar! But it would sound better if it had Sean’s voice. Only he can portray a Russian submarine captain with a Scottish accent and no fucker laughs at him.

Bond, James Bond. Even thinking about it makes me smile. Daniel Craig is great, but Sean Connery is James Bond. Always. His name could be Twatface Mc Shitbag and it would still be awesome. Hello. The names Mc Shitbag. Twatface Mc Shitbag. The best part about this is that you are using his voice to say this in your mind. And it’s wicked.

“Don’t stop til you get enough” Michael Jackson
Yes he was a moron but this man was a true entertaining giant. I saw him in Landsdowne Road and was blown away. If this song doesn’t make you happy, try drugs because you have serious problems.

Smiling now, thanks Michael. Just can’t get a groove going. Nothing comes to mind. The tangenital doofangle in my mind ain’t working. So, I shall leave you and come back when I have world altering thoughts to share with you. Later.